Saturday, July 26, 2008

What is Polocrosse?

What is polocrosse? Not many people know the answer to that question because of polocrosse’s relative obscurity. The sport has been around for over 60 years but most people have never heard of it.

Polocrosse, considered a horse sport, is played on horseback and is said to improve riding skills. Its most simple definition is a combination of polo and lacrosse. The objective of the game is to throw the ball between the goal posts using a stick with a thread net on the end.

Polocrosse began in England but the modern game was invented in Australia. Even though it is not a high profile sport, it is played in many countries around the world. In the United States, Texas has the largest number of polocrosse clubs although they are beginning to become more common around the nation. Infact, a few Colleges including Dartmouth and Colorado State now have polocrosse teams.

Polocrosse is unique in that players of any age level can play together. Do you know of any sports where this happens?

Have you ever heard of polocrosse? Do you know about or play any sports on horseback?

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