Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tour de France

Can you imagine biking hundreds of miles a day? Well that is exactly what the competitors in the Tour de France will be doing for days on end. Many people know how to bike but only a few have what it takes to participate in the Tour de France, the world’s largest cycle race.

This year the Tour de France began on July 5, will end on July 27, and is a brutal 2,175 miles. Like in most other cycle competitions, people enter the Tour de France race as part of a team. Each team consists of 9 people. The race is split up into stages - each stage is one day long and the times of the stages are combined at the end of the race to determine the winner.

Samuel Dumoulin won the third stage of the race which took place on July 7. The third stage was…are you ready for this…129 MILES! All the places that I bike to are in the city that I live in and not more than a few miles away and so 129 miles in one day is completely unfathomable to me! I can’t imagine how unbelievably fit you have to be to bike the 2,175 miles of the Tour de France.

Do you bike a lot? When you bike is it usually for fun, transportation, or as a sport? What do you think about the Tour de France and the huge distances they have to bike?

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