Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Coming from behind

It was the final round of the Olympic Trials in the 800 meter event. There were only 200 meters left in the race when the runner in last place sped up and overtook every other runner on the track except one to claim second place. That runners name is Andrew Wheating and he has just won a spot on the Olympic team.

Wheating’s story and progress as a runner is amazing. The high school he attended did not have a track team and he didn’t even start running track until his senior year in high school. Once he did start running it was obvious he had great natural talent as well as a unique strategy that has been working very well for him. Now 20 years old he is known for his running style: he starts out slow but then near the end he drastically speeds up. He runs this way because he does not have as quick of a start as many of the elite runners he competes against. Instead he uses the advantage he gained during high school when he ran longer events - the endurance he built up because of those long events has aided him in making comebacks near the ends of races.

Have you ever witnessed a sporting event in which the losing team or person makes an amazing comeback? Do you have any unusual strategies that you use when you play sports? Comment below and tell me about them.

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