Wednesday, July 23, 2008

High Pressure Sports Situations

Have you ever been really nervous before a big game or sporting event? Right now I am pretty nervous for a big dance recital that I have coming up. The recital includes me dancing in front of 300 people for 2 and half hours BY MYSELF!

I have been preparing for this performance for the last couple of months and I have another 5 weeks to keep improving. I know that I will be prepared because I have been practicing everyday and working really hard. Everything is coming together but that doesn’t stop the butterflies in my stomach when I think about such a big performance. As the day comes closer, I am realizing more and more the reality of how big an event this will be and I find myself getting more nervous.

Now, I am not nervous-scared, instead I am more nervous-excited. I love dancing and performing and I have performed in front of hundreds of people before…but never alone. That is what makes me most nervous about this performance. I have spoken to other people who have given similar performances to the one I will give. They all tell me that I will not be nervous on the day of the performance if I prepare well and am confident in my ability to dance. I sure hope they are right!

Have you ever played in a high pressure game or performance where you were nervous beforehand? Comment below and tell me about it.

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