Saturday, July 5, 2008

Overcoming odds

Jordan Hasay and Dara Torres will stand out during the 2008 Olympics because of their ages. Hasay, a track and field star, will stand out because of her youth. Torres on the other hand, will stand out as the oldest American swimmer to ever qualify for the Olympics.

Even though Hasay is only 16 years old, she managed to secure a spot on the Olympic team by finishing 5th during the 1500 meter finals of the Olympic Trials. She finished in 4 minutes and 14.5 seconds and by doing so broke the national high school record in the event.

Dara Torres won the 100 meter freestyle as a 41 year old mother of a 2 year old. She only began training months before the trials and has still managed to come out on top.

Age usually seems like a barrier in sports. Sometimes people think they are too old or too young to participate but Torres and Hasay have proved them wrong. Being older or younger can make it harder to participate in certain sports but I know many adults who continue to enjoy sports and play them on a regular basis. A friend of mine has a mother and father who regularly play soccer in an adult league because they love the game and don’t think they should stop playing just because they are getting older.

What do you think about Torres and Hasay and the odds that they have overcome? Do you think you will play sports when you get older?

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