Monday, August 18, 2008

Stomach Butterflies

Today in my dance class I made a few big mistakes and got really frazzled, which made me make even more mistakes. I only have 12 days before I have to perform by myself in front of 300 people and I am getting very, very nervous.

Today in class, I did not just make mistakes - I made completely uncharacteristic mistakes like forgetting entire sections of the pieces. I have not forgotten parts such big chunks of my pieces since I first started learning them, months ago. Lately I have been getting stressed out because my performance day is getting so close that it is causing me to make mistakes like that.

I used to be in musical theatre when I was in middle school and whenever I had to perform on stage, my hands would get clammy and I would get butterflies in my stomach. Let’s just say that I have a history of minor stage fright. Usually once I get on stage I am ok, but before I get out there I am very uneasy and anxious. I am telling myself that if I am prepared, I will do fine and there is no need to be nervous, but I think some nerves are natural in this situation.

Has a high pressure situation or important sporting event ever made you tense and unable to perform as well as you usually do? Comment below and tell me what you would do to cope with the tension in a situation like that – maybe you can help me out!

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