Sunday, August 24, 2008


Names like Michael Phelps, Misty May-Treanor, Kerri Walsh, and Usain Bolt have become well known around the world due to the Olympics. They rocketed to fame when they performed remarkably at the Olympics and will forever be remembered for their athletic capabilities.

Most athletes who compete in the Olympics are not remembered after the Olympics are over. They may be stars to people who play the same sport, but they are not well known to the public.

I know someone I will remember for a long time is Usain Bolt because of the way he took the world by storm and rocketed to the top! I remember watching him race and being amazed by how he won races by such a large margin. He would near the end of a race and turn his head to look at his opponents, just to make sure that they weren’t catching up. He not only won races, but won them in a unique style that made me remember him.

Michael Phelps is another athlete that I’m sure everyone will remember. He broke the world record for number of gold medals and seemed to do so without breaking a sweat. Who are your favorite stars from the Olympics? Which athletes stood out the most and which ones will you remember?

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