Sometimes in gym class we would play really fun games in the gym. Games like Medic or team handball. Those special days were always my favorite. The very best game was Pin Bombardament. In the game- the class would be divided into two teams- on either side of the gym. At the baseline of the basketball court- each time would evenly space out 5 pins.
This is where the fun starts. Then the teachers unleashed what seemed like hundreds of big playground balls. The object of the game was to defend your team's pins, but knock over the other teams. You couldn't cross the halfway line and you couldn't stand directly in front of the pins. So there was a lot of defense and balls flying around! It was so much fun.
Do any of you play that game or a similar one? What are your favorite games to play in gym? Don't worry about the picture- we weren't actually throw bowling balls around (ha- that would hurt!).
Also- don't forget to send in your personal sports stories, about your soccer team's season- or the transition to indoor- whatever YOU want!
that i could have a stable and own and teach and make your own horse thank you
for reading this bye
lily - lily
so weird you do this get a hold were not 5 we know how to bowl - demilovato
- Panda
- Leesha2
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - WOOF
i dont no y i m posting this vote so plz DONT ASK!!!!
Princess Jasmine! - Princess Jasmine
i love bowling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - toddett21
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