Playing sports takes a lot of energy and it is important that we eat right so we can play our best. I remember my soccer and track coaches always telling us to eat well, drink lots of liquids, and rest up before a soccer game or track meet. My soccer coaches especially would emphasize eating carbohydrates (stuff like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes) the night before a big game.
When I played on my school’s soccer team we would have team dinners the night before a game. During these dinners we would usually eat tons of pasta and get excited about the game. I loved those team dinners, also called pasta feeds, because I love pasta and they were great for team bonding.
When I went to soccer tournaments with my club team (traveling team), everyone was always cautious about what they ate. For example, during one tournament we had a game a couple of hours after lunch so when we were making our lunch decisions we steered away from the Mexican food. Now, I absolutely love Mexican food but we thought it would be unwise to eat burritos and chips before a game because of the oil and heaviness of Mexican food.
Sometimes what we eat before a game can affect how we play – we can be tired and too full to play our best or energized and ready to go. What is your favorite pre-game meal? Are there any food items that you never or always eat before a game?
my hamsters love eating fruits and so do i - Spots
I never eat tacos! - Megan
yummy food is very good and i eat pizza before i wach i game-gaara - gaara
i love to eat healthy - Cutie pie
it is sooooooooooooooo right
- Cool Gal
you are definetly right!!!!!
- kinkyzoo
FOOD - Emma
dhjgfs - Jag9
we sould all follow this stuff i also think salads are good for your diet - text
I like 2 eat pasta before I do competitive swim! - As Dreams Fade
Well, I like to eat friut before I play soccer. Or was that before I play hockey? I don't know, but it tastes good! - Nightmares Begin
who so cool u guys changed my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) - tootie123
you know, my fav fruit is probably cherries.Ecspecially on chocolate ice cream!-Midna - Midna
hello - cabbage
Megan is wrong. I love tacos and eat them all the time. It is great right before a game. - Obama for President
- Zach
I hate tacos - Smiley
i hate my cousin katie for breakfast lol - avril
mr vs ar - lala222
i love eating healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) - sassy101
, Master Po - Master Po
sports its very good for your heart because it keeps the blood flowing - Mandylea
I actullly play soccer too but what if you have short legs and your on center field and you have to run up and down the field and in a few minutes your tired what should i do?
the questional,
tiger xoraven - xoraven
cant stop the animation - spot
i am a baby cheata and my mom work and i say good maners so you should to alot here my song ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you shuold eat healthy fruit cause its good for yaaa - spot
you should eat veges and salad yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
in my tummy and by the way i love spot thats my baby
- msmylavc
this is very informational - Bella
I love fruit more than vegtables! :) - tatyanna
i think that the fruit is good for you and it helps when you play sports
- cutiepie
I like tigers! They sometimes eat tree fruit! (but only sometimes) - TigerCub28
this i a good thing todfor kids zookazoo - Lilly
thx ffor advveizing this! great job zookazo
- Lilly
I love fruits so much! Especially oranges! My hamsters like apples! I do too! My favorite vegetable is brocoli!
- spot1999 - spot1999
hey peeps i love eating good but i eat bad okay bye
- blacky
hi i luv the way yall play yall r active strong and r very good your welcome - cheetah456
sweat and jucice. is that a good meal and i now i play football. - fluff
i have a lot of work here and i play sports and guitar too.but i now what,playing sports is a good way to say heathy--fluff the dog - fluff
i am a dancer and if i do not eat right i will not be able to do things as easy and i won't have as much fun! - DanCingCornheaD
KARdancer98 was here and luvs 2 eat healthy
- DanCingCornheaD
hey nice blog i didnt read but it looks good - lumbee dog
we had a bannanna contest once in uor school [didi5] - didi
I like sports! - Laas
win i pla i hav fun - Robby
Eating right is sooo good Im not a helth freek or eny thing but beeing helthy is so cool. - Chin
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