I love playing sports, and I am grateful for my parents and my school because they help make it possible for me to play sports. My parents sign me up, pay, and take me to practices and games. If they didn’t take care of all that stuff, then it would be really hard for me to play sports. Also, if the school didn’t have sports teams, then I wouldn’t be able to run track and play soccer for my school.
In fact, all sports and sporting events would not exist if it wasn’t for all those people and all that work that goes into making sports amazing. There are committees that make up and update the rules of various sports. There is an immense amount of organizing and planning that goes into sports
Comment below and tell me about the people that make it possible for you to play sports.
go lakers
- casey
nice i like it - shawn
that ---- is--------messy - babyd
aaaaaaaaaaaaah i cant think of wat to write so bye look for me im pandy - pandy
pile pile pile poor lady not dont know her dont care for her again love pandy a nice cute panda look for me - pandy
WOW thats a lot of paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Shakira
any way go nyr"s NEY YORK RANGERS! - Hello
WOW! That is one big pile of paper! Is that the whole blog! People must really love this site, I know I do. - cedar
wow that is alot of papers - yoda
wow thats alot of mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(any 1 who cs this coment add me ) - sassy101
hi this is spotty i was wondering how did you get all those papers because thats alot of papers well please if you can rite me back ; ) = ) = ) = ) - spotty
thats alot of papers.didyou kow were losing alot of treesbecause your making the trees die! - tie the tiger
cool i love it i also love football - kylynne
ok - reaper
can you see this ask me
- Bee
I do the same thing i play soccer. GREAT BLOG - JJ
- Jordan
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