Thanksgiving is still the best! I had all my cousins over for a big feast and we made and ate a lot of really good delicious healthy food. Then, after dinner- all my cousins and I were playing around. We had a funny face contest and made some really hilarious ones. Check out this one in the picture.
What's your favorite funny face to make? Sad? Happy? Surprised? IN YOUR FACE- LOL!!!!
Have you guys heard the story about the kid who made a funny face and it stayed that way??? It's TRUEEEEE!!!!
Also- then we played football afterwards with all my cousins, uncles, and aunts. It was a LOT OF fun. My brother made a really good play when we were on opposite teams (I was quarterback). He swatted the ball up in the air, intercepted it, and returned it for a touchdown. I was a little embarrassed, but it was a really good play.
What have you done on Thanksgiving? Any good sports? YAYYYY!!!!
okay - roserocker8
in the picher you are funny. - emliniana
Dear Reader,
I did a sour contest with my friends after Thanksgiving. I won. One of the youngest kids in the neighborhood (Alex, boy, three years old) Ate a lime and yelled '' It's spicy!'' I laughed sooo hard. I managed to keep my face straight most of the time, but sometimes while eating a lime or lemon I puckered big time. I still have the taste of lemons in my mouth! lol - Bella Cullen
that souds like fun!!1 my most of my family lives in other states so only my grandma and one cousin came over with 2 of my friends. My aunt and uncle were out looking for coages for my other cousin so thats why only one came - Baby Grace
i love thanks giving. all my freinds go to my grandmothers house and we ate up!!! - Annie
cool - Speedy
- nicole
zal....lol i takie tam a tak wogule loc jor name?... ha lo da riu..?
- DeJwId
this thanksgiving we had to go over our aunts house and my dad was o my god he just made me sick.
- duma
its really true thats he stayed that way? i will never make a funny face again! lol! i love your blog! - sunshyn 2007
e just had a ton of food at my aunt's house and we were on the computer a lot then went shopping the next day XD - Bella
i love thanksgiving too. it is a graet time ti spend with family and friends. most of my family are suffering from vital diseases, so thanksgiving is a wonderfull way to celebrate life. although you can't do anything about it, it still feels really good to tell someone about my family and friends. i am also a new kid at a school hours and hours away from where i used to be, i will conclude my huge writing thing like this:
i love thanksgiving for every way. - pandi
I have a cat and dog - megin
That is FUNNY!!!!! Seriously....who can do better?
Dallas858 - Dallas858
that is the most weirdest fast i've eva seen jokes it's gr8 - monkey chick 1s
awsomee - Nikki
I loooooooove Christmas! - Leena
that is soooooo wierd but cool and funny at the same time lol keep them coming love lilly
- lilly
how is making faces inportint - baby99
Hey people! Hey Bella! What's up? It's your bud! Anyway thanksgiving was cool if you count being around crazy family members then yes. XD! -Tigress/catzrulz08 - catzrulz08
- blueberry
thansgiving is a time of love and thanks but the thing that matters most is the FOOD. -Duma - Duma
hi yo olao nehow. - ben16
yukkkkk! - Rose
Is their any sports to play - loco
Thanksgiving i s the best isint it. - Princessqm9
11-30-2008- Thanksgiving was awsum! - elder - elder
I played football with my grandpa, dad, and brother before we ate. then i watched a comercial for a football game. Cardinals vs. Eagles!!!!! i was excited cuz Cardinals my team..... but the excitement only lasted till i heard "only on NFL Channel" or something like that. YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT CHANNEL!!! i was sad but then i ate. PHOOOOOOOD IS GOOOOOOOOOOD - Spicysalsa
Forget Thanksgiving! It's over. NOW ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!! - Spicysalsa
How old is this guy? - Spicysalsa
Where my food? Theres no food here. You cant buy food . My tiger is hunger. If you accept this comment be forest89s friend .If your alredey her friend find her and say i accept you commet about food .Every one who asked her to be her friend wait till sunday saterday and thursday friday to find her and tell her i accept your comment. Wait till those days i told yall. - forest8989
what dose LOL mean - Bobo
what the heck
- sugar
i love thanksgiving but its cristmas seson! - Duffy
wow thanksgiving must have been exciting for you!! im glad u had fun!!!!!! i love zookazoo and everything in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. - angelababii
I dont have thanksgiving where i live
- Roxy
that sounds cool i like thanks given because you say your thanks to God have some more fun and it is Christmas not critmas ok bye - kristena
i think you should stick to ordinary things, eh? - cutypie1
on thanksgiving i was at Gulf Shores, It was AWESOME!!! - 4leavecloverbabe
I went to Gulf Shores on Thanksgiving and it was awesome i went in the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) - DRAGONCLOVER
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! - mew and mewtwo
- Duma
hi - Princess
i think thay is so funny - miley cyrus
that would be fun to make funny faces lol - Bolt
We went chrisrmas tree hunting on thanksgivingkinda weird huh? , They had horses down where we were . Those horses can make some pretty funny faces. They can move there lips really wide and long and funny!!!!!! Plus they have huge goffy teeth.
12 - 1 - 08
- Milez45
that is so funny i could of pooed
- spike
lol - tiger
you look real scary man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - cutie
cool - rich jj 2008 lol do
Dear Reader,
I had a sour contest with all my friends on Thanksgiving.
During the contest , a little boy named Alex, under five years, took in a lime, and yelled: ''It's SPICY!'' I don't think he's old enough to know his flavor names yet. I still have the taste of lemons in my mouth! It also made me eat limes and lemons for snacks. It was also my dad's birthday on Thanklsgiving! I hope you enjoy the upcoming holidays as much as I will! - Bella Cullen
its Cristmas seson du! - Duffy
ok this is how i will start so my birthday on thanks giving and my bffs told me they would give a suprize.so i decided i would go home early the next day so i snuck from the library to see what they were planing when i got home they threw cake all over me and now im still picking cake out of my hair i hate suprize parties - sakura
i make really funny faces some times thay are funny.
(='_'=) (='.'=) ^(.)_(.) '-' : D - jankstar boy
i love PUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - gick
i loooooove PUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - gick - gick
put up A CHRISTMAS add plz somone its NOT THANKSGIVING
- Duma
lolz hahahaha i wudent do that if u payed me - angel
yeah dat kid looks weird... 12-3-08
-Guitar hero Girl 101 - Guitar Hero Girl 101
He just scares me LOL 12-3-08
-Guitar Hero Girl 101 - Guitar Hero Girl 101
hey doode thats an aswam and funny face and im going to use that face to scare my mom well seeya bye
- spotty
o my gosh so meny funnie stuff i olmost pooed my pants whene bella collins said that about the little kid eatin a lemon and said it was spicy LOLOLOLOLLOLLOLLOL - baby girl
funny funny lol it made me lol so hard - beesh18
haha this is funny me and my cuzins like to set off fireworks on thanksgiving it is alot of fun one time one of the fireworks shot into the neighboors pool it was funny my favorite food was my aunts pasta YUM haha - Regan
ok what is this about - cory
random faces are weird
- Kyle
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