So we know what it takes to be a great athlete, right? A big body, huge muscles, toughness and, of course, talent. Maybe that’s all we can think of off the top of our heads, but I think there’s one important thing missing from that list: dedication. Mainly, dedication like sticking with something for a long time until you achieve your goal, no matter what.
I hope dedication is part of being a great athlete, because I don’t have the huge body or the muscles. It’s something I’ve really worked on as I’ve practiced running. Running doesn’t seem that hard; everyone knows how to do it. But being able to run for a long time without the pain bothering you takes practice day after day after day. To make this a little more interesting for myself, I set a goal: I want to catch up to some of the best “streakers” in the sport of running.
What’s a streaker? A streaker is simply someone who’s on a running “streak”. It means they’ve run at least one mile every day for a long period of time. The longest streak I’ve heard of is 38 years. For 38 years, the guy ran at least a mile a day (including six weeks with a broken foot). Why did he do it? Just to prove (to himself) that he could do it and that he loved running so much that he would put time into it every day, no matter what happened.
So here’s the deal: After I go to college, I’m going to go on a streak. I’m going to try to run at least a mile every day, because I love this sport and want to show it. Now you’ve got to tell me, is there any sport you’re dedicated to? Would you do it every day? How long could you keep it up? Tell us below!
its homer its homer its homer a fat lazy chum - Demi Lovato
- hannah
The sport im dedicated to is swimming. someday im going to join a swim team!!! - hotbabe
I didnt read all of that cuz I am too lazy. - MizClaudie12
why cant we play the games or watch tv - bannana
ha - purplemist
the yellow guy is weird - Spots
pls add food on all the tables - Purple Lily
This blog makes alot of sense and i understand it! i always active and you should be, too! so go outside and play! - King Rex
- cool girl
Hi - beenie
each animal has its own powers - zaltar
I was jokeing lol im dedicated to running because im the fastest in my school - King Rex
- cutiepie
hello - Hillary
- casey809
Ok........I like the pitchere on the blog,awsome Homer Simson!
_roxy - roxy
i really understand tht i need to be more active i think i will start running right after i finish this sentence -BaNaNa - banana
hay - panda love
kewl dis is my fave place i love sports
- Lollagirl123
please try extra hard! i would love to see your face in the Guinness Book of World Records. I love your dedication.
WELL...GET RUNNIN'!:):):)!
devilpuppy4ever1510 aka Zweety aka cool to the core aka marmeeska aka Leah - cool to the core
home r the winners - spot
I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - cuddles
i love you
- shadow
thats inspierering or how ever u spell that-andy - andy
i think everyone needs to exercise because if you don't you will be lazy and eat all the time,and if you do that you will become fat and you might die. - angel
this is cool u rock - Redpaw
pie is awsome - Food
i want to be a star with musles - Cutie
i love football - megatron
cool - jackyson
hahahahah lol wow love tasha - tasha
i love to eercise,but not to much because if your to skinny u can get killed becauese u have no body fat,and bodyfat help u live - tomboy girl
homer homer its HOMER - tomboy girl
I will beat every body here in sports
- igorman
- igorman
i think every body loves sports like the simpsons right well sometime bye tell me soon! - Kati
I say that makes a point a HUGE point!!! =D - Jmaster1021
i love the simpsoms - chip
GOOOO TEAM! - minnie
i did not know that! - gliter moon
i dont have al lot of dedication when it comes to sports...but its something im working on...i think it will help me become a better athelete!
- Cheese
cRAZY - pepper
I didn't really read the blog,but it has something to do with sports I'm geussing. I don't play onh any teams,though. I'm a dancer,about to be in a ballet preformance!!!!
I pratice everyday and do LOTS pf stretches with my feet and lower body. I also do alot of stretches with my uppe body, too. I plan to become a great dancer, and even though it's lots of stretching and spinning till you puke, I love dancing!!!!!!!
''When the going gets tough, the tough dances!!!''
-Maddy - maddy
hv - Lucy the loyal puppy
lol thats hilarous!i didnt know you like the simsons
- Princess Amanda
run fast - ja123
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