Fans are a very important part of the sports world – without them professional sports would not be the same.
The few times I have been to professional sporting events, I have seen a few dedicated fans who were decked out in their team’s colors. These fans had also painted their faces and bodies with their teams colors or symbols. They looked like they were having a great time they and generally increased the level of excitement in the stadium.
I also see fans like those when I watch sports on TV. Some fans get so into supporting their team that they make huge banners, drape themselves in flags and cover themselves with paint. The closest I have ever come to something like that is when I went to a soccer game with my soccer team and we all wore our favorite team’s colors. I’ve always thought that going all out would be very exciting and I want to try it sometime. If I ever get the chance to watch a really great game in person including a team that I fervently support, I think I will do it.
How do you support your favorite teams? What kind of fan are you? Do you belong to a fan club? Do you go to games or watch them on TV? Do you spend time talking about, debating, and researching your favorite teams?
uh zookazoo, can u make country like snowy stuff plz!?/please!? - Angel
Who are these ppl?
- Eagle
I don't go to a club, but I want to!
_roxy - roxy
cool game can i play - zaid29
its almost wierd but i like sports
- Cookie
hey - STEVEN
GO GIANTS - luck colon
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Sweet Kitty
hi - chohce
92 as - rose
i agree sports would not be the same
- blueberry
17 107 - blueberry
nice job! - princesspink
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - macraeday
Hey - WOOF
B-E- A-G-G-R-I-S-S-I-V-E
I hope you like the cheer , I love it. - maddy
hey this is spotty just saying that you guys are great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
- spotty
yeah, hey up there, yes i agree and there is a lot of information given up there buddy and I am new here too, just joined zookazoo today. - roboticbabyzookazoo
do u pplz no the Boston Red Sox? I love the red sox they well as i say rox!!! I also love the newyork jiants they r cool 2! and yes i am a girl. - Princess Jasmine
- Zenith the 6th
i love this new lounge its very nice
- Mizz Mia
FOOTBALL ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - kittykat999
This is so cool!!!!!!! - William
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