The reason he says 9 = 8 is easy. In baseball, it takes 9 players in the field to make up a team. And those 9 players need to play together and support each other and be a real team to make the playoffs. There are only 8 teams in baseball that make the playoffs each year. So it takes 9 to be one of the 8. Proof that 9 =8. What do you think about that fuzzy math? Does that make sense? Are you glad the Rays are in the World Series or are you bummed your team isn't still playing? Do you even like baseball?
Ooo. Good post. I really like baseball. I'm from Tampa Bay and so glad to see my team make th World Series. I think 9=8. I thought it was interesting that the game was on cable rather than Fox. I guess it means people like football more than baseball.
Go Rays
yes. rays. cool. red sox. bad.
Ooo. Good post. I like baseball a lot, but I was really surprised that the game was on the cable channel TBS and not Fox. I guess that means people don't like it as much as other sports- especially football!
Please post- I've commented a bunch and haven't been on yet.
- Bond007
i love th red skins! go red skins!!!!watch foot ball every sunday !i have a question!and if you know it go to the jaguar pinky24c!and tell her!okay heres my question:witch foot ball team is the best!
i love base ball and foot ball!but the best is volly ball!base ball might hurt my legs and foot ball might just be very painful!
Go Rays! - Kismet
now i know i am a girl, but the scores are tight!!! - sheala
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THE REDS SOX RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - sheala
you guys ROCK MY WORLD!
- ashleym9
home run
azome am comeing every day
- brandy
i dont like basket ball or foot ball,im just not into sports that mutch.but i love soft ball!i like watching my sister play and practise it! p.s when is there going to be a soft ball blog? - roxy
i wish that i could be the corderback on football - Elizabeth
this place,Zookazoo,is getting BETER by the mInete!!!!! p.s.please put this on? - roxy
I was surprised to see them win! I did't care who won really, but i was still surprised..... I play babe ball and also like it. I really like football !!!! Cauuse i play qb so it is fun!!! - Troy
this ws not fair - Catp
rays rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so the rays only did that onetime the redsox are the best cause im from boston - Tomy
i like the story and baseball - candy
i love basball but i think that basketball and foot ball rule ya! i win foot ball and basketball all the time not meaning to brag or enything from the ulltimat the best the one the only BOBBY - bobby
This was very well writen and has incoregment - chagie
I think the smashed them good! I LOVE THE WINNING TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Juliet
whoa! this place is awesome - rebel
this place is TIGHT but i think u should make more things in junngaloo cus that place is that really that fun so u should make it more fun like hipopilis cus this place is SWEET - kayara14
Yea! Awsome post...woohoo! - Mann
Hey people! im millie!! lol ask 2 be my friend!
P.S i like football - millie
cool i love foootball to death - angel
im way out there DUDE!
KeEbLe - Keeble
how does this get posted? - Coco
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