Because I do. I love throwing around the frisbee. I think it's great. The perfect throws where you run underneath it and you are chasing it, chasing it, chasing, and then YES! You've got it. Those are my favorite moments- I feel like a superstar! Do you know what I'm talking about??
It would be great to have a frisbee-catching dog! Or a dog, at all. Even if it were just a regular dog that sleeps all the time in the middle of the floor and doesn't do anything. Ha ha.
But way better to have a frisbee dog.
Sometimes on the beach, I like to do the jump in the water catches- then I feel even more like a superstar. ha ha! Have you ever tried an Aerobie? That's the disk that goes like 3 miles. It's kind of crazy, but I always end up losing them because they go too far :( and I can't catch them. I bet there's a place three miles from where I live where Aerobies keep hitting them in the head and somebody's like, "Stop throwing these rings at me!" Lol
What color frisbee is your favorite? I think red go the farthest (jk- but they're easiest to see!)
I luv frisbee i play it with my dog i would play with friends...........but i dont have any............but idc my dog is awesome
Jesus is my Savior a.k.a. Jims
(: JESUS LUVS U EVERYONE :) - Jesus is my Savior
i love volllyball. and football - SECYZOE
frisbee i so awesome i luv playing mad cat aka isaiah - MAD CAT
and i love very much i play frisbee with rex my good dog - vasia
uchfovhvlvbhvkvclfhfgvofhofkjgvov - Robin
yes - jada
hi go jiens
- rose
I love to play frisbee but its more fun to let my dog catch it!!!!!!!! - 4leavecloverbabe
yo, Go PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - cutie293
it is 2 hard
- lady purs alot
Lolz frisbee dude!
ROCK ON! - Kool
omg this is sooooo cool in here! - lillian
boring - Mommy
Go Jims!!!!!!! You said it! - Spicysalsa
just sooo u know i LOVE dogs and i think it would be great - blueberry
J.I.M.S. and yours too - Spicysalsa
- jade
its cool sum times
- jade
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