Remember the Titans, Shaoulin Soccer, Bend it like Beckham, and Field of Dreams all have something in common –they are all sports movies that I love! Movies about sports are very important because they help shape the way we perceive sports and they are part of the culture that has sprung up around sports. They are also very entertaining and fun to watch!
In a lot of sports movies there is a workout scene where there is a montage of clips showing a team or person working out to intense or inspirational music. I absolutely love those workout scenes because often times they are when the transformation takes place with the main team or person in the movie. Sometimes those scenes are corny and unrealistic, but they always get me excited and give me the feeling that anything is possible if you work for it.
I have noticed that in many sports movies, the underdog team or player succeeds in the end. Even though this may not happen very often in real life, it is exciting to watch it happen in the movies because it reminds us that it is possible. Many movies also show sports as a way to bond with other people and overcome differences in order to succeed with the sport.
I think sports movies are a great way to pass the time and enjoy sports. Comment below and tell me about your favorite sports movies and the best parts about them.