I started running hurdles 3 years ago at my school during track season. The first time I had to jump over a hurdle I was a little scared because it looked really high and I didn’t want to hit it and fall. Even though I was afraid that I might get hurt, I decided to give it a try because it looked really exciting and fun. I’m really glad I decided to try it because now I love hurdling and I don’t find it scary anymore. Sometimes I do hit the hurdle and fall but it is part of the sport and it doesn’t discourage me.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hurdling Over Obstacles
I started running hurdles 3 years ago at my school during track season. The first time I had to jump over a hurdle I was a little scared because it looked really high and I didn’t want to hit it and fall. Even though I was afraid that I might get hurt, I decided to give it a try because it looked really exciting and fun. I’m really glad I decided to try it because now I love hurdling and I don’t find it scary anymore. Sometimes I do hit the hurdle and fall but it is part of the sport and it doesn’t discourage me.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Fastest Man On Earth? Maybe.

American sprinter Tyson Gay may be the best in the world. We’ll find that out this August. For now, all we can do is watch as the blazing 100-meter dasher knocks down record after record.
On Saturday, Gay, who grew up in Kansas and ran college track for Arkansas, shattered the American record in the 100-meter dash, running the race in 9.77 seconds, which ties the world record set by Jamaican sprinter Asafa Powell. Then, he followed it up with another exciting race on Sunday that he finished in 9.68 seconds.
For a fleeting instant, all eyes in the stadium flew to the giant clock and anticipation roared through the crowd. Had Tyson Gay set the new world record—in the Olympic trials—by .09 seconds? That’s a huge margin by which to break a sprinting record.
But the roar faded to just a standing ovation as the speed of the wind was measured 4.1 meters per second. For Gay’s time to be a record, the wind has to be slower than 2 meters per second or else it gives him too much of a push from behind. It didn’t matter; the performance stole the show. Gay took a victory lap around the track, knowing that he is on his way to Bejing as
What’s your favorite Olympic sport and who will you be watching this summer? Tell us all about it so we can tune in too!
Michael Phelps
What do you think about these new swimsuits? What do you know about Michael Phelps? Do you expect him to perform as well during the Beijing Olympics as he has in the past?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dodgers get more wins than hits on Saturday
That's right. You're eyes aren't playing tricks on you. The Dodgers did not get a single hit off the Angels' Jered Weaver and Jose Arredondo and still won the game. It's only the fifth time since 1990 that the team with no hits has ended up the winner.
The Dodgers pushed their lone run across on a sacrifice fly by Matt Kemp, who skied a pitch with two runners on from walks in the bottom of the fifth. When Dodger pitcher Takaishi Saito slung the final pitch past the Angels' Reggie Willits, Dodger fans let out a deafening-and relieved-cheer through Dodger Stadium.
Sports is full of funky trivia and wacky occurrences. Seen a funny play or game yourself? Tell us about by posting to this blog!
Olympic Basketball Team
The U.S. basketball team has had mixed results in past Olympic and International play. In the 2000 Olympic Games, the U.S. basketball team won first place. At the 2004 Olympic Games the all-star U.S. team finished in an unexpected third place and in 2002 the world championship team finished sixth. However, fans are hopeful that this team will redeem the U.S. and get the gold at the Beijing Olympics.
The team will play an exhibition game against Canada and then play four more once it gets to Asia. The team will then play in its first Olympic game against China on August 10.
What do you think about this all star team? How do you think it is going to do in the Olympics?
Friday, June 27, 2008
NBA Teams Take on New Talent

OK, now we know the Celtics are the champs. This week we found out which guys may be the next dominating forces in the NBA future.
One of the biggest moves of the draft came before the draft even began, as the Minnesota Timberwolves traded the rights to third-picked USC guard O.J. Mayo to the Memphis Grizzlies for fifth-picked UCLA forward Kevin Love.
The Chicago Bulls (who finished 38-49 in 2007-08 season) took Dennis Rose (at right), the 6-foot-3-inch guard from
Finally, the champion Celtics took
Who did your team pick in the draft? Click here to find out. Then tell us what you think about your team’s moves!
David Beckham and the LA Galaxy
In early 2007 it was announced that Beckham would sign a five-year contract with the Los Angeles Galaxy and become the highest paid MLS player in history. In order to play for the Galaxy, Beckham moved his family to LA where they currently live.
When asked why he wanted to play for the Galaxy, Beckham said "I look forward to the new challenge of growing the world's most popular game in a country that is as passionate about its sport as my own.” Do you think having such a big star in the United States will increase the sport’s popularity here?
Having such a big star on the team has boosted attendance at the Galaxy's games. In fact, many Beckham fans attend the games solely to see Beckham.
What do you think about the LA Galaxy's decision to recruit Beckham? Do you think they did it for publicity and so that more people will come to their games? Do you think some athletes are overpaid or overrated?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Rising Above the Floods

The waters in the flooded Midwest have finally stopped rising, but U.S. Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson certainly hasn't.
Shawn is 16 years old and is the reigning world champion in all-around gymnastics. She lives in West Des Moines, Iowa. When the Mississippi River overflowed its banks earlier this month, the gym where Johnson was going through her final practice flooded with about 12 inches of water. But with just a week to go before the Olympic trials started, Shawn rebounded quickly to stay on track.
Shawn got help from her coach, who told her that she could only do her best by keeping her spirits high. Then she trained in the gym at Iowa State University, almost 50 miles from her home, to keep in shape. Shawn says that, while at first she was scared, but that training in a place that wasn't hers actually made her stronger.
The champion's perseverance paid off-- big time. Johnson had the highest score of all the events combined in the Olympic trials with 127.65 points and made the team as part of the all-around squad. Team officials believe that when Johnson gets to Beijing, China in August, she'll play a big part in bringing the U.S.A a gold medal.
Twin Power - Paul and Morgan Hamm
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Rays on a Roll!

What is up with the Tampa Bay Rays?
The south
The Rays started this year as one of change. They started by changing their name from the Devil Rays to just “Rays”. The team’s colors are different too; their now blue and gold over the old purple, teal and black from the team’s first decade.
But the real change seems to be in the team’s leaders, like closer Troy Percival, a veteran right-hander who has made 18 saves to turn the Rays bullpen—once considered one the worst—into one of the best in the league.
What do you think is helping the Rays? Is the team better skilled this year or are its greatest players lifting players up to the talent they’ve always had?
Summer Olympics 2008 - Pollution Problems
Some athletes have independently chosen not to take part in their events for health reasons. For example, Ethiopian runner Haile Gebrselassie has asthma and has decided not to participate in the marathon at the Beijing Olympics to protect his health.
Beijing and the areas around Beijing are working to try and reduce pollution levels so that the Olympic Games can continue without problems. Beijing has gotten rid of many industrial plants and banned the use of unleaded fuel but even though Beijing has been trying to reduce pollution, it has not been successful so far. The many construction sites, the large number of cars in the city, coal mining, and power plants are all contributing to the pollution in Beijing.
Some doctors believe that world records and exceptional performance will not be seen in sports that require stamina during these Olympics because of the bad air quality and humid atmosphere of Beijing.
Other places with similar pollution problems have hosted the Olympics in the past. For example, the Olympic Games were held in 1984 in Los Angeles, which had smog problems. Because environmental awareness is rising, Beijing has to take more precautions than has been accepted in the past.
What is your opinion on the bad air quality in Beijing and how do you think it will affect the Olympic Games? What do you think should be done about it?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Blade Runner

Think about what it’d be like to run with only artificial legs. Now imagine trying qualify for your country’s Olympic team in the 400-meter dash with those same legs. That’s exactly what Oscar Pistorius will try to do this summer.
Oscar is a man from
Oscar runs his races using manmade legs made of J-shaped carbon and some scientists said that they helped Oscar run without getting tired as fast as other sprinters. In January, the IAAF, which manages all track and field competitions around the world, said Oscar’s legs were so unfair that he should not be allowed to run in the August Olympics.
Oscar fought back by running in several trials where scientists from the
The Blade Runner still has a lot of things to do. To make his country’s team, Oscar must run ¼ of a mile in 45.95 seconds, about ½ a second faster than his best time in the event, but the runner known as the “fastest man with no legs” is pretty confident.
What do you think? Do you think Oscar can make the South African team with his manmade legs? Even if he makes the team, should he be allowed to run? Are his legs cheating or just part of an amazing story?
Water Sports - swimming and diving
Swimming is a great way to cool off during really hot summers. It is also so much fun! Some people swim competitively and learn how to do many different types of strokes. I think that is really cool but I’m not very good at swimming fast so usually I just like to swim for fun. Diving is also a popular water sport and some people can do amazing dives of off really high platforms. Do you know how to dive? Have you ever seen a diver in person or on TV? This summer the Olympics are going on in Beijing, China so there will be lots of chances to watch people dive and swim on TV.
I seem to swim more during the summer months than I do during the rest of the year. How about you? Do you swim a lot during the year or mostly during summertime?
Summer is also a great time to play other games and sports with water. What sports and games do you like to play during the summer? What water sports do you like playing?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sports are a lot of fun! You can meet new people through sports and make new friends. Sports are also a great way to get some exercise and participate in an activity that you love.
I love to dance, but not many people know about the dance that I do. It is called Bharatanatyam (I know, it can be a little hard to say) and it is a type of Indian classical dance. It is a very old style of dance and people have been dancing Bharatanatyam for hundreds of years. Even though it is a dance, I have to act a little bit because a lot of the pieces that I perform are stories that I tell through dance.
Where I live, only a few people know about Bharatanatyam. It can be hard to explain to other people what kind of dance Bharatanatyam is, so sometimes I invite my friends who have never heard of it to come and watch me perform. Performing in front of lots of people can be scary and it makes me nervous. Has anyone ever told you to pretend the audience is in their underwear to make you less nervous? That idea doesn't work for me! I just practice a lot and try my best!
I love playing sports, the ones that no one has heard about and also more popular ones. Have you ever heard of or played any sports that not many other people know about? What sports do you like to play or watch? What are your favorite things about sports?
Getting to know you
Hi, my name is Megha. Like Wes, I will also be a regular contributer and moderator for the sports blog at ZooKaZoo.
I am 16 years old and a junior (soon to be senior) at Palo Alto High School. I dance a type of Indian classical dance called Bharatanatyam, play soccer, and run track (hurdles). This summer I am really excited because I will be traveling to Hawaii for a soccer tournament with my team. I also plan to dance a lot in the coming months in preparation for a big dance performance at the end of the summer. At PALY I was a reporter for our school's online newspaper and next year I will be a podcast editor and the A&E editor.
I'm really excited to be working at ZooKaZoo this summer and I hope that I can make some valuable contributions.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Getting to Know You